About Me

Julie Garvey: you can contact me at juliannewatercolors@gmail.com

Area Artists 2015, Atrium Gallery
University of Southern Maine, Lewiston/Auburn Campus

I live in Maine, a state of breathtaking beauty.  It provides seascapes and shorelines, mountains and forests, marshes and bogs, fields and farms, picturepostcard small towns and concrete cities, and even a few suburban bedroom communities.  It’s filled with colors and angles, textures and shapes, movements and stases, and all sorts of changeable weather and qualities of light.  I especially love its manifold qualities of light!  No wonder so many artists have come here to work.

My education: art in college at the University of Georgia, which had a very innovative Art Department, focused on how to really look at the essence of things.  At William & Mary in Virginia, whose Art Department gave students tremendous freedom to explore, I learned to fuse traditional techniques with personal expression.  Beyond school years, living life, I continued to paint whenever my career and growing family would let me.  And over the years, I have painted more and more, until now it is what I plan to do with as much of my time as I can devote to it.  My painting has matured with me; my eye is as hungry as ever; and my desire to capture my continuing relationship with nature, in all its many personas and splendors, is more vibrant and compelling than ever.  This is what I love.